Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Home Inspection?
A home inspection is conducted by a professional inspector who objectively examines the exterior and interior of the house.
What Happens During the Inspection Process?
Our professional inspector will analyze every major system and component within the home. If you’re able to join us for the walkthrough, our inspector will also educate you about the ins and outs of your future home. Additionally, we’ll give you a good idea about the cost and timeframe required to fix the problems we discover.
Is an Inspection Truly Necessary?
Yes! No matter how old or new a house is, it’s critical to have it inspected. Otherwise, you’ll end up buying every problem the house has, and you won’t even get a heads up. Save yourself lots of time and hassle with a professional home inspection.
Will I Receive a Report?
Absolutely! We’ll provide a report that details every issue in the home, no matter how small.
Should I Attend the Inspection?
It’s always in your best interests to attend the home inspection. That way, we can point things out to you in person. If you can’t be there, we’ll still make sure you get a comprehensive understanding of the property.
How Long Will the Inspection Take?
Times vary, but the average inspection will take approximately three hours.
I’m Buying a Brand-New Home. Why Do I Need an Inspection?
Whether a home is brand-new or 50 years old, it’s always wise to get it inspected. Our inspector will look for common shortcuts and other deficiencies. Once noted, you can have these items corrected by your builder.
Can a Home Fail the Inspection?
A home cannot pass or fail an inspection. Instead, we’ll provide you with an unbiased report that details all the problems in the home. You still get to choose whether to move forward with purchasing the house.
I’m Selling My Home. Why Should I Get a Pre-Listing Inspection?
Receiving a professional inspection will give you an important heads-up about anything that’s wrong with your property. Having the chance to repair or replace these items will put you in a much better position to sell your home quickly.

Schedule Your Inspection Online Today
Make sure to ask about our discounts for active-duty military and veterans.
We accept online payments. Weekend and evening appointments are available by request. Wild Rose Property Inspection is a fully insured, bonded, and licensed company, including Errors & Omissions/General Liability insurance.
Please contact us for additional warranty information.